MP unimpressed by federal budget

Skeena – Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen is less than impressed with the federal budget tabled in Parliament on April 14.

While noting some positive inclusions, Skeena – Bulkley Valley MP Nathan Cullen is less than impressed with the federal budget tabled in Parliament on April 14.

“This is an election budget. The Conservatives are trying to buy votes across the country to counter the numerous scandals they have created and the controversy with Bill C51,” he said.

“They’ve just gone through the checklist and offered something for everyone they are interested in. If they are not interested in your vote, then there is nothing here for you … if you are wealthy this budget is for you. If you’re not wealthy, there is nothing here for you.”

While Cullen noted there are “three or four ideas the NDP proposed included” in the budget, it’s what isn’t included that has the MP shaking his head.

“There is nothing here about the environment or climate change here and apparently First Nations don’t exist to this government. That needs to change … there is nothing to address the Coast Guard or marine protection and with the recent spill in Vancouver and the number of pipelines being proposed I was surprised by that,” he said.

“In terms of impact in the Northwest, I think the small business tax changes are going to beneficial.”

While the government has budgeted for a $1.4 billion surplus in this year’s budget, Cullen said it is one that could prove to be more costly than larger surpluses in the past.

“They have projected a surplus, but essentially had to raid the cupboards and sell the all the furniture to get there. That leaves Canada in a very fragile place going forward,” he said.

“There is a lack of ambition in this thing. It’s an election budget that lacks vision for the country.”

The Northern View