Okanagan-Shuswap MP Colin Mayes addresses the 23rd annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum in Ecuador.

Okanagan-Shuswap MP Colin Mayes addresses the 23rd annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum in Ecuador.

MP urges Ebola assistance

Colin Mayes represented Canada at the 23rd annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum in Quito, Ecuador

  • Feb. 6, 2015 5:00 p.m.

Okanagan-Shuswap MP Colin Mayes has been involved in global discussions on some key issues.

Mayes represented Canada at the 23rd annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum in Quito, Ecuador.

Delegates discussed a range of issues, including the ongoing fight against Ebola in West Africa.

Mayes highlighted the $110 million the federal  government has committed to support health, humanitarian, and security interventions both at home and abroad to address Ebola.

He added that Canada’s response has also included donations of equipment, specialized research, the development of an experimental vaccine and the deployment of Canadian Forces medical personnel.

Mayes also spoke of the need for the international community to “take stock of the broader policy issues that have been raised by the Ebola crisis” such as the need for “effective early warning and response systems, improved coordination of international and national responses” and how to “collectively manage air travel and airport security” during such emergencies.

Mayes praised health care and humanitarian workers.

“These brave individuals – working on the front lines – deserve our continuing support and our commitment that we do all that we can, at the political level, to ensure a coordinated, robust and sustained international response to this crisis,” he said.


Vernon Morning Star