Mud slides affecting turbidity of Slocan waterways

Mud slides, affecting Gwillim and Mulvey creeks, are to blame for high sedimentation and discoloration.

  • Sep. 15, 2013 6:00 p.m.

Mud slides, affecting Gwillim and Mulvey creeks, are to blame for high sedimentation and discoloration seen in those waterways and the Slocan River following a heavy rainfall. The Regional District of Central Kootenay is requesting users conserve water in the coming days.

The RDCK said in a release they have investigated reports of the extremely high sedimentation and discoloration and assessed the area by helicopter on Saturday, Sept. 7.

The slides have not blocked the creeks and water is currently flowing freely through the slide areas. There are no threats to infrastructure or public safety as a result of the slides.

However, it may take a number of days for the sedimentation to diminish and users on the Slocan community water system are requested to conserve water during this time, even after the water has cleared.

Residents who draw their water from the Slocan River should also be aware of the increased turbidity levels.

Residents are asked to be observant for discoloration and/or extreme fluctuations in water levels during and after significant such rain events, as these can be indicators of potentially dangerous slides or debris flows on rivers and streams.


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