The North Valley Gymnastics Club is seeking a larger facility.

The North Valley Gymnastics Club is seeking a larger facility.

Multi-use indoor facility investigated for Greater Vernon

The North Valley Gymnastics Society has asked the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee for a building

Hurdles must be overcome before politicians decide if a home for gymnasts will be pursued.

The North Valley Gymnastics Society has asked the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee for a building, but directors decided Thursday that a multi-use facility must be considered.

“It would not be used by one single group because it costs too much,” said director Jim Garlick.

The NVGS wants GVAC to identify a site where an 8,000-square-foot building could be developed. The club’s goal would be to seek grants and repay the municipal loan needed for construction.

However, Garlick says an indoor facility may involve other activities, such as freestyle skiing.

Garlick also suggests that a multi-purpose facility could prove beneficial if the matter goes to taxpayers in a borrowing referendum.

“We need as many people in the community as possible to support it if we are to bring it forward.”

GVAC staff will identify potential users and their requirements for a facility.

“This option doesn’t commit us to building anything new. It could be repurposing,” said Juliette Cunningham, chairperson.

“It’s just the start of the process.”

The potential price of a facility is not known.

“The costing exercise will be done down the road,” said David Sewell, Regional District of the North Okanagan chief administrative officer.



Vernon Morning Star