Campbell River RCMP. RCMP photo

Campbell River RCMP. RCMP photo

Multiple incidents of bear-spraying investigated

Police are investigating multiple incidents of people being bear sprayed on Sept. 24.

Police are investigating multiple incidents of people being bear sprayed on Sept. 24.

The first incident occurred near Petersen and Willis roads at approximately 8 p.m. and one male has been arrested in regards to that incident.

“Early indications are that the incidents may be interrelated, but it is too early to confirm that,” Const. Maury Tyre, Campbell River RCMP Media Relations Officer. “The police investigations have been hampered by the willingness of the parties involved to fully co-operate with the investigation.”

If you have information regarding these or any other incidents, contact the Campbell River RCMP at 250-286-6221.

Man set on fire update

RELATED: Man, 20, injured after being set on fire while sleeping under Campbell River bridge

Investigators continue to track down leads in regards to this case as the young man continues his recovery.

“Every lead is being tracked down and investigated to it’s fullest extent, but there continues to be valuable investigative time spent tracking down information that has been originally generated on social media and people now believe as fact,” Const. Tyree says. “Despite warnings to the public to avoid rumour and conjecture on social media about the case, stories continue to become bigger and bigger.

“It’s like the telephone game you can play as a kid. Somebody whispers into someone’s ear, that they have a sandwich and after it goes through 5 people, the story is about a Gremlin baking bread. The only consistency is there’s bread in both stories.”

Police are reminding the public to not engage in the rumour mill and to call if they have any legitimate information regarding the investigation.

Campbell River RCMP week in review

The Campbell River RCMP responded to 365 files Sept. – 24. For the same period in 2019, The local RCMP responded to 355 files.

“File numbers seem to be remaining relatively consistent with 2019 which was an extremely busy year for the Campbell River RCMP, ” said Const. Tyre. “Many of the files we continue to deal with are relatively minor disturbances that can be dealt with very quickly. However, we have been receiving many files that are extremely time-consuming and labour intensive that can pull the investigators in several different directions at once, especially when investigators continue to take in new files daily.”

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