Michelle Mungall, the MLA for Nelson-Creston, will co-chair John Horgan's NDP Leadership campaign.

Michelle Mungall, the MLA for Nelson-Creston, will co-chair John Horgan's NDP Leadership campaign.

Mungall named co-chair of John Horgan’s leadership campaign

Nelson-Creston MLA joins MLA David Eby as head of leadership campaign.

  • Mar. 18, 2014 7:00 p.m.

Nelson-Creston MLA Michelle Mungall has been named co-chair of BC NDP leadership candidate John Horgan‘s campaign.

The announcement came during a young leaders roundtable held  Tuesday afternoon (March 18).

Horgan followed up yesterday’s campaign launch by announcing that Mungall and David Eby, the MLA for Vancouver Point Grey who defeated Premier Clark in her home riding in May, will be his co-chairs.

“I am one of those younger MLAs who told John that we need to build a diverse team around a leader who knows the whole province and can reach out to British Columbians from north to south, east to west,” said Mungall.

“I am delighted that Michelle and David will be leading Team Horgan,” said Horgan. “They are extraordinary colleagues and together we will inspire New Democrats with ideas to make life better for all British Columbians.”

The NDP leadership vote takes place at their convention in Vancouver on September 28.

Nelson Star