Municipal wells getting closer to coming online in Barriere

Municipal wells getting closer to coming online in Barriere

Barriere CAO Colleen Hannigan reported the following to Mayor and Council at the Oct. 7, 2019, Regular Council Meeting held at The Ridge.

  • Oct. 10, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Barriere CAO Colleen Hannigan reported the following to Mayor and Council at the Oct. 7, 2019, Regular Council Meeting held at The Ridge.

Wells Update: Thierry Carriou from BC Groundwater provided an update for Council on Oct. 2, which included the following statements from that report;

1. “Preparations are being made for conducting Microscopic Particulate Analysis on the Louis Creek well this week. We are placing an order with the specialty lab Hyperion for the required supplies now that a suitable period of time has elapsed since well rehabilitation and sterilization. The MPA test will be carried out with duplicate bacteriological testing.”

2. “Bradford Park PW3 has been successfully re-screened. We are starting to compile field reports now. Well screen development commenced yesterday. Initial results will be available after 38 hours of screen development are completed (this equates to one hour of screen development per foot of installed screen) to determine if the re-screening is having the desired effect.”

3. “The Simpcw fish weir was removed over the weekend. This now provides an opportunity to proceed with the step-test of Spruce Crescent Deep Well #1 if and when Simpcw confirms authorization to proceed with discharging the well onto IR3A. The pumping test contractor Mountain View Electric has been notified that the weir is now down and to prepare for testing very soon.”

Louis Creek Industrial Park (LCIP) Update: Responses to the new Negotiated Request for Proposals (NRFP) for providing a small water system at the Louis Creek Industrial Park (LCIP) were expected this week, and after initial review by engineer and staff a recommendation will hopefully be ready to bring forward to Council this week. BC Hydro is underway with the extension of three-phase power in the LCIP so that all lots will have it at their property boundary. Construction is underway on two of the lots with a third sale scheduled to close in the next couple of months.

Barriere Star Journal