Music Festival Society thanks City for a successful Wapiti

Fernie Council was presented with a print Monday night to thank them for their support of the 2012 Wapiti Music Festival.

Kevin McIsaac presents Fernie Mayor Mary Giuliano with a Wapiti print.

Kevin McIsaac presents Fernie Mayor Mary Giuliano with a Wapiti print.

On behalf of the Wapiti Music Festival Society, Kevin McIsaac presented Fernie Council with a print Monday night to thank the City for their support of this year’s event.

McIsaac spoke at a regular council meeting before unveiling the thank-you gift.

“Thank you for all those that came and helped out,” said McIsaac. “Specifically, thank you to the staff that worked their tails off to make sure that we had water and drinks, and all kinds of things that we needed from the city, barricades, and fencing.”

He went on to say, “This year’s event was a tremendous success. We had over 1,500 people, with 400 people online just purchasing tickets. People from as far away as Ontario, New Mexico, and from all over Western Canada, so it was fantastic.”

“We’ve had very positive reviews, to the point where we had bands who were signing up to play for next year on the day after Wapiti.”

To show the Wapiti Music Festival Society’s gratitude, McIsaac presented mayor and council with an original Wapiti Music Festival print created by Michael Hepner at Clawhammer Press, and framed by local photographer, Kyle Hamilton.

Planning is already underway for next year’s festival, tentatively scheduled for August 9 and 10, 2013 in the Annex Park.


The Free Press