My friend the psychologist

Over the years, being sent on numerous courses, many RCMP officers came to know one of the psychologists the RCMP contracted with. This fellow would often be called upon to instruct.

  • Jan. 18, 2011 10:00 a.m.

Over the years, being sent on numerous courses, many RCMP officers came to know one of the psychologists the RCMP contracted with. This fellow would often be called upon to instruct.

Mike, at one time, was an RCMP officer, but in short order decided to go back to school, get his degree and make a lot more money. Smart man. He happened to attend Notre Dame in the States and played football for the Fighting Irish. When things got a little dull in class we would steer him away from the lesson plan and get him to tell us about his football days. Great stories. It was clear he remains as they always do, a Fighting Irish fan forever.

He mentioned that Notre Dame later went co-ed. I made the smart comment that obviously they did so to booster their football program to strengthen the team. That was a NO NO, making fun of his team. Failed to see the humour. I was a marked man.

Time goes by, many years, and I bump into him during a major project in 100 Mile House. He was called in as a consultant on the project. One day I was standing around with some fellow officers and noticed that Mike was a little off in the distance, contemplating strategy by himself.

I mentioned to the boys that here was Mike, making a pile of money, and simply standing there with not much to do. Since he was under contract with the RCMP, I told them I had a problem he can help solve and I should take this opportunity. Free advice. I walk up to Mike and explained that since he’s being paid he might as well help solve some problems. So I laid it on him.

“Mike, my girlfriend wants to meet the wife, what should I do?”

It was a short session.

I walked back to my friends and they asked what I learned. I advised them that I learned that Mike had a hell of a good memory as he advised me that he would personally take time off his busy schedule and enjoy making the introduction himself. I opted for a second professional opinion.

Invermere Valley Echo