Calvin Williams of Youth Unlimited speaks before Mission Council about My House.

Calvin Williams of Youth Unlimited speaks before Mission Council about My House.

My House being called a success

Mission Youth House, nicknamed My House by those who use its services, has performed beyond expectations.

The Mission Youth House, nicknamed My House by those who use its services, has performed beyond expectations.

That’s the message Calvin Williams of Youth Unlimited brought to council on Monday night.

Williams came to council to provide an update on the project.

Located on Proctor Lane, behind the Mission Community Services Society, My House is a centre dedicated to serving vulnerable youth in Mission

More than a dozen community partners create a “true spirit of co-operation” at the centre, said Williams, who added 20 volunteers lend their time on a regular basis.

Williams told council that many youth say they are happier in life because of My House.

“We have up to 20 youth, age 14 to 25, who come to My House each day and they represent the most vulnerable in our community.”

On a typical day, three youth may be homeless and sleeping outside, six are couch surfing and others are in an unstable situation according to Williams.

He said approximately five youths a day access the showers and the laundry while all the youth access the food. Another benefit of the My House program is that it allows youth workers to make connections with youth.

Williams explained that volunteers and professionals are able to help youth to acquire financial assistance, get back to school or reconcile with parents.

“Up to 90 per cent of all youth at My House are suffering from substance abuse,” he added.


Mission City Record