The potentially illicit substance found in the package. (Twyla Mclachlan photo)

Mysterious European package from dead Russian artist mailed to Port Hardy family

"We don't know if its drugs or bath powder or what it is — The substance is being tested"

  • Feb. 12, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A mysterious package that may contain illicit substances appears to have been sent from Europe to a Port Hardy family.

Twyla Mclachlan said a family member of hers received the package in their post office box on Thursday (Feb. 11) afternoon, and upon opening it, was shocked by what was inside.

According to Mclachlan, who posted photos of the package on Facebook, there was a happy birthday letter signed by Leon Bakst, a Russian artist who died in 1924, and also a suspicious vacuum packed baggie that could potentially contain drugs.

After opening the package and finding the baggie, McLachlan said she “called the cops and they came and got it and put it into evidence bags,” adding she is “beyond baffled” by this whole ordeal.

Port Hardy’s acting detachment commander Corp. Martin Giguére stated the letter appears to have been mailed from a European country, and that at the moment the RCMP isn’t sure exactly what’s inside the vacuum sealed baggie.

“We don’t know if its drugs or bath powder or what it is — The substance is being tested,” he added.

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Abbotsford News


The letter from the Russian artist found in the package. (Twyla Mclachlan photo)

The envelope the package came in. (Twyla Mclachlan photo)