Calia Gregory’s car window was smashed by a thrown rock. Submitted photo

Calia Gregory’s car window was smashed by a thrown rock. Submitted photo

Mysterious rock-throwing happens again

Cumberland couple out thousands of dollars

A Cumberland couple is out thousands of dollars due to damage caused by an unknown person(s) throwing rocks at their house.

The trouble started last month for Calia Gregory and her partner Geoff, who live on Royston Road. Vandals have smashed several windows, a sliding glass door, two fish tanks, a window in Calia’s car and three windows in Geoff’s Pathfinder. The vehicle damage alone cost them about $1,700.

A window in a neighbour’s trailer has also been smashed.

Gregory believes the vandal(s) are using a slingshot or some other propulsive device to launch the rocks.

“My 13- and 16-year-old have both woken up covered in glass,” said Gregory, noting the rock-throwing usually starts around 10 p.m.

She and Geoff have alerted police to the situation.

“They’ve come out every time we’ve called,” Gregory said. “A couple times they came out and had a good look, but couldn’t find anybody. Now they just come out and sit with us.”

A few neighbours have been pelted with rocks and other objects while trying to catch the rock throwers. One friend blew out his knee while diving for cover when a rock whizzed by.

Gregory has no idea of the culprits’ identity, or why her home is being targeted.

“You can’t get a more low-key family than we are,” she said.

This isn’t the first time that rock-throwing has taken place in the couple’s area. Last year, the neighboring house belonging to an elderly couple, Glen and Loretta Waldref, had been pelted by rocks sporadically for several months. They had no idea why it was happening.

RELATED: Senior couple at a loss to explain why their house is being targeted

Gregory implores anyone who sees something unusual in the area between the logging road, Ulverston Avenue and Union Road to let her know.

“We had the same problem last year, and we’re both getting hit now. These guys need to be stopped.”

Comox Valley Record