Naked man arrested in Nanaimo, provided with pants

Naked man arrested in Nanaimo, provided with pants

Suspect arrested for causing disturbance Nov. 13 near Bowen and Northfield roads

  • Nov. 19, 2017 12:00 a.m.

Nanaimo RCMP arrested a half-naked man last week.

According to a Crime Stoppers report from Nanaimo RCMP, police responded to a call Nov. 13 about a man who was completely naked wandering around Northfield and Bowen roads.

By the time officers arrived, they found the suspect had “decided to cover his upper half but for some reason left the lower half exposed to the elements.”

Police say the man, who was “very high on something,” was arrested for causing a disturbance and spent time in the cells at the Nanaimo RCMP detachment.

“Kids, this is a great example of why not to do drugs, because you too could lose your pants,” the report noted.

The man was given pants and released.

Nanaimo News Bulletin