Naked man arrested on Nakusp public beach

A man who had stripped his clothes off at the Nakusp public beach was arrested by RCMP around 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 7.

A man who had stripped his clothes off and had been wiggling his hips and gyrating on the floating dock at the Nakusp public beach was arrested by RCMP around 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 7.

“At the time this occurred there were several people, including children, on the beach and in the area,” a Nakusp RCMP press release reported.

The man engaged in other “lewd acts” as well, including bending over while facing away from the beach.

Fortunately for the officers responding to the call, the man followed their requests to come to the shore.

“It’s not the most common thing but it does happen,” said Corporal Ryan Fehler of the Nakusp RCMP.

The 43-year-old man currently has no fixed address, and isn’t local to Nakusp, although he has spent some time here. He spent a little more time overnight in the Nakusp RCMP detachment after his arrest.

The next day, a bail hearing was conducted by telephone, and the nudist was released from custody under the conditions that he doesn’t come within 50 kilometres of Nakusp and that he doesn’t attend public areas where children under 16 might be found. Including swimming areas.

“There’s no indication at this time that there’s any concern for personal safety,” said Fehler.

Fehler withheld the name of the man, saying that he felt for the sake of fairness the Crown should have a look at the file before his name is released.


Arrow Lakes News