Name change for our riding

MP Randall Garrison instigated a name change for Esquimalt Juan de Fuca riding

  • Jul. 9, 2014 12:00 p.m.

Garrison succeeds at getting name change for new riding

Esquimalt-Saanich- Sooke to be new riding for 2015 Federal Election

During the year long process to draw new boundaries for the 2015 Federal Election, Randall Garrison (MP – Esquimalt Juan de Fuca) fought for a name change for the constituency that will replace Esquimalt-Juan-de Fuca.

“I sought approval of the Federal Boundaries Commission to name the new Lower Island riding Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke in order to better reflect its geography and thus make it easier for voters to know who represents them,” Garrison said.

The Commission did initially agree to add Saanich to the riding name, reflecting the fact that Saanich will make up over 50 per cent of the new riding, but suggested dropping Esquimalt and keeping Juan de Fuca.  This forced Garrison to resort to two additional appeal processes.    Finally, after last minute negotiations between all parties, Garrison secured the change to Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke in Bill C-37 which received royal assent on June 19.  In addition to half the municipality of Saanich, the new riding also includes Esquimalt, View Royal, Colwood, Metchosin, East Sooke, Sooke and the unorganized territory stretching out to Jordan River.

“So now it is official.  In 2015 the new riding will be called Esquimalt-Saanich-Sooke.  This is a name that will make it easier for voters by identifying three corners of the riding and by eliminating confusion with the provincial riding of Juan de Fuca which now lies largely outside the new riding,” Garrison said.

Sooke News Mirror