Nanaimo Community Archives is looking for submissions from homeowners who took on exterior renovation projects, no matter how big or how small, for the first Heritage House Renovations Awards. (News Bulletin file photo)

Nanaimo archives holding first Heritage House Renovation Awards

Judges want photos and descriptions of exterior renovations that enhanced character of Nanaimo homes

The Nanaimo Community Archives want property owners to submit some of the exterior renovation projects they took on in 2020 during the pandemic for a chance to win an award.

The organization is sponsoring the city’s first-ever Heritage House Renovations Awards, but submissions don’t actually have to be from homes on the City of Nanaimo’s heritage register and the project simply has to have been any exterior renovation that enhanced the overall heritage character of a home within the Nanaimo city limits.

Christine Meutzner, Nanaimo Community Archives manager, said she was looking to create a fun contest that people can participate in and help lighten the mood surrounding the pandemic.

“I’m trying to make this as broad as possible,” Meutzner said. “It could be someone who fixed up a stained glass window that was in their front porch. It could be someone who painted the entire house. It’s not so much the scale of it or the scope of it. It’s the quality of it that we’re looking for and how much it did to really bring that house alive.”

To enter, participants need to submit a minimum of three photographs and a brief description of the project. Projects must have been completed in 2020 and be within Nanaimo city limits. Deadline for submissions is March 31 and winners will be announced April 15 and awarded a glass trophy shaped like a little house.

“We just want to reward those people that did something interesting with their lovely old home, or something fun, an improvement, give them an award and, basically, give them some recognition,” Meutzner said.

Submissions will be judged by Meutzner, the city’s culture and heritage planner Chris Sholberg, Nanaimo Museum board chairman John Manning, and Nanaimo artist John Hofman.

To learn more or submit entries, contact

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Nanaimo News Bulletin