Kory Breaden, from Nanaimo, has unofficially established a Guinness World Records mark for longest video game marathon after playing Call of Duty for 145 hours. (Duel Screens Podcast/Twitch image)

Nanaimo gamer sets unofficial world record with 145-hour video game marathon

Kory Breaden awaits Guinness World Records' verification after playing Call of Duty from Aug. 15-21

A Nanaimo man who played a video game for 145 hours has unofficially broken a world record.

Kory Breaden began playing Call of Duty: Warzone‘s battle royale mode beginning Aug. 15 and kept playing till Aug. 21, which he is confident is good enough for Guinness World Records’ category for longest video game marathon for that genre of game.

In addition to battling other players in the last-player-standing tournaments, Breaden said he battled fatigue. There was little fanfare when the record was broken because he was so exhausted, he said.

“Having people throughout the event to be able to talk to, that I had in a special [chat channel], was helping,” said Breaden. “I also had it where, at some point, I was actually watching a movie on the side. Just having some type of background noise definitely made a difference … especially after playing the same game, in the same mode for over 100 hours.”

Breaden said he slept for 18 hours straight after the marathon.

In an e-mail, Guinness World Records said it was unable to provide a comment on the attempt, but did say applicants must adhere to specific criteria, including evidence that must be submitted after the attempt. The standard application review process can take between 12-15 weeks, it said, and once received, its records management team will then confirm success or failure.

Breaden said he is trying to assist Guinness as best he can, but it is difficult in light of COVID-19 as Guinness isn’t currently accepting physical submissions of footage.

“We have to figure out a way to transfer them two terabytes worth of data,” said Breaden. “So I’m trying to, right now, work with them to see if they can verify just straight through the Twitch (live stream) and witness reports instead of us having to try to physically send them a bunch of stuff.”

As to whether he will play Call of Duty again any time soon, Breaden said he will put the game down for a while.

“I’m going to take quite a bit of a break,” said Breaden. “Maybe once the new Call of Duty comes out … then definitely I’ll pop back in, but until then, I’m probably going to stick to the other games that have come out.”

The current record holder is Daniel Bergman from Winnipeg, said Guinness World Records. Bergman played Super Smash Bros. for 57 hours in August 2016.

RELATED: Nanaimo gamer attempts world record with video game marathon

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