Nanaimo Golf Club lockout goes to binding arbitration

NANAIMO – Nanaimo Golf Club unionized employees return to work. Labour dispute goes to binding arbitration in May.

Nanaimo Golf Club’s unionized workers are being called back to their jobs as a labour dispute that has lasted nearly a year goes to binding arbitration.

Nanaimo Golf Club management locked out 24 food and beverage employees in April. The dispute reached an impasse in December after an offer, which included a clause that there be no reprisals against two workers who crossed picket lines, was rejected by hospitality workers’ union Unite Here, Local 40.

“Both parties agreed to go to binding arbitration. The lockout is lifted as of last week and full services have resumed this week. All issues outstanding will be going to binding arbitration and it is binding,” Ash Chadha, golf club general manager, said Monday.

Chadha said binding arbitration talks will begin in May and the club is currently contacting employees to determine who is available to come back to work and when.

Nanaimo News Bulletin