A view of the Naramata marina and walkway after a windstorm and high water caused damage in spring of 2017. (Submitted)

A view of the Naramata marina and walkway after a windstorm and high water caused damage in spring of 2017. (Submitted)

Naramata continues to fundraise for marina flooding damage

A dance and silent auction is set for Jan. 19 in Naramata to raise money for marina repairs

It’s been more than 18 months since spring flooding destroyed a large portion of the Naramata Yacht Club and Marina and volunteers continue to focus on rebuilding efforts, structurally and financially.

Bob Pope said when everything is done it will cost the Naramata Yacht Club and Marina Society in excess of $50,000 for replacing more than 110 feet of the walkway and repairing the boat launch and other areas of the marina. A second dance and silent auction is planned for Jan. 19 at Columbia Hall to raise funds for the cause.

“It was one day of bad waves and weather and it wiped us out. The whole walkway was destroyed, a public walkway, public launch area. The launch part ended up way down the lake, which we had to tow back. The whole walkway was totally destroyed,” Pope said.

Related: Naramata Yacht club holding fundraiser social

The damage occurred in spring 2017 when windstorms and high water wreaked havoc on wharves, docks and marinas all along Okanagan Lake.

The expense to replace the infrastructure was not covered under provincial emergency services programs because the marina could have paid for insurance, but didn’t because members of the society thought it was too costly.

Other than $5,000 in assistance from the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen, the yacht club has paid for the repairs out of savings previously earmarked for dredging the marina to make launching boats easier. The society was working to save up $100,000 to dredge.

“We’ve been doing dances and auctions for several years to raise money for the dredging, but last year’s was for the repairs,” he said.

In addition to the 23 berths that are leased by people who own property in Naramata, the Naramata Fire Department launches its rescue boat from the marina and the recreation department offers a two-week boating course.

Although most of the work is complete, the walkway and launch reopened, some work still needs to be completed to repair the marina.

Related: Volunteers step up for yacht club

The fundraiser dance and silent auction raises between $5,000 to $7,000 each year. This year the dance will be held Jan. 19 at the Columbia Hall. Sixty items have been collected for the silent auction including a Sparkling Hills package, Bike Barn cruiser bike, wine packages and more.

Tickets are $20 and can be bought at the Naramata Store.

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