Poppy donation boxes have been delivered to restaurants, cafes, stores and places of businesses in Prince Rupert by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 127 for the 2020 National Poppy Campaign. (Photo: K-J Millar/The Northern View)

Poppy donation boxes have been delivered to restaurants, cafes, stores and places of businesses in Prince Rupert by the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 127 for the 2020 National Poppy Campaign. (Photo: K-J Millar/The Northern View)

National poppy campaign restricted by COVID-19

Prince Rupert Royal Canadian legion expects less donations to offer vital assistance to local vets

  • Oct. 23, 2020 12:00 a.m.

Bright red poppies are in abundance around Prince Rupert, with The Royal Canadian Legion’s 2020 National Poppy Campaign officially launched and the local legion needing extra support due to COVID-19.

“We just put out more than 10,000 poppies,” Bernie Alexander poppy chairman and vice president of the Prince Rupert Legion Branch 127 told The Northern View. “Poppy boxes have been placed in stores, restaurants, cafes, and places of business.”

Marie Lewis is the Prince Rupert Legion Branch President and said most years the poppy campaign results in between $7,000 to $10,000, but diminished contributions this year may hurt the local legion.

“We hope to see that amount of money, but because of COVID-19, we don’t have as many retailers participating this year. We are already anticipating a $3,000 to $4,000 reduction in donations,” she said.

Read more about The Royal Canadian Legion in the print version of The Northern View

READ MORE: ‘Falling like dominoes’: Pandemic could lead to closure of 10% of Canada’s legions

READ MORE: Remembering Rupert: A historical report on Prince Rupert during the Second World War

K-J Millar | Journalist

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