Nature for Kids schedule

A total of 32 youngsters and their parents took part in a Wells Gray World Heritage Year event

Karena Schmidt (r) reads from the legend of Harkayee during Nature For Kids on Saturday.

Karena Schmidt (r) reads from the legend of Harkayee during Nature For Kids on Saturday.

Karena Schmidt (r) reads from the legend of Harkayee during Nature For Kids on Saturday. A total of 32 youngsters and their parents took part in the event.

Activities included Make a Field Journal; Paint a Tile; Guess the Poop; Listen to a Story; Look at a Bear Skull; Build a Sandwich and more.

The next Wells Gray World Heritage Year event will be “Snake Tails!” with professor Karl Larsen at the Upper Clearwater Hall on Friday (7 p.m.) and Saturday (10 a.m.).




Clearwater Times