Prince Rupert will see the Royal Canadian navy’s newest chip in harbour on Sept. 29. Attendees line the jetty in Halifax at the Oct. 5, naming ceremony of the HMCS Harry DeWolf. (Photo: supplied by Navy-Marine Forces)

Navy’s newest patrol ship to visit the Port of Prince Rupert on maiden voyage

HMSC Harry DeWolf will circumnavigate North America

  • Sep. 28, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN) newest arctic and offshore patrol ship will visit the Port of Prince Rupert on the morning of Sept. 29.

The public is encouraged to attend and see the HMCS Harry DeWolf conduct small boat operations within the harbour between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m., the RCN stated in a press release.

The ship, first in its class, is the navy’s first of six ships in a new series of arctic and offshore patrol ships. The vessel is currently on its maiden tour, and is the first Canadian warship since HMCS Labrador in 1954 to complete the circumnavigation of North America.

“HMCS Harry DeWolf is just less than halfway through its operational deployment already demonstrating its versatility by successfully crossing the fabled Northwest Passage while exercising the defence of Canada in northern regions. In October it will participate in drug interdiction operations before transiting the Panama Canal,” the media statement read.

Before sailing toward the Panama Canal, this ship will proceed to Vancouver and then Esquimalt B.C. to complete its journey.

READ MORE: The Port of Prince Rupert welcomed the biggest container ship to dock in Canada


Norman Galimski | Journalist 

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