A solar power panel and system attached to a well and pump allow cattle to access an endless supply of consistent drinking water while saving them from having to use a dugout. The technology is part of a pilot project developed by Kelln Solar. Photo by Amelia Naismith

A solar power panel and system attached to a well and pump allow cattle to access an endless supply of consistent drinking water while saving them from having to use a dugout. The technology is part of a pilot project developed by Kelln Solar. Photo by Amelia Naismith

NDP government intends to improve water management and protection

Province seeks input into livestock watering regulations intentions paper

  • Feb. 9, 2018 12:00 a.m.

The provincial government intends to improve water management and the protection of the environment by developing livestock watering regulations under the Water Sustainability Act.

An intentions paper, posted on Jan. 12, proposes new regulations that would improve livestock watering practices on range land where there is low-density livestock grazing, either on Crown land or private range lands.

The proposed regulations would allow the diversion of water from a stream or aquifer for livestock watering.

It would also allow for construction of livestock-watering works, subject to requirements that would minimize adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems.

The Province seeks input from the public, First Nations and industry stakeholders.

Feedback on the proposed policies will inform final recommendations to government in spring 2018. Comments on the intentions paper will be accepted until Feb. 16.

Quick facts

• A beef cow/calf pair requires about 45 litres of water daily.

• Summer water needs of livestock grazing on Interior range land are less than one per cent of average summer precipitation.

• There are about 21 million hectares of Crown range land and five million hectares of private range land in British Columbia.

• Over 95 per cent of livestock grazing on range lands in B.C. are cattle. Other grazing livestock include sheep, goats and horses.

• In 2015, there were about 200,000 head of cattle in B.C., on more than 4,000 ranches.

Learn more

The intentions paper is online: https://engage.gov.bc.ca/app/uploads/sites/71/2018/01/Livestock_Watering_Regs_intentions_paper.pdf

Quesnel Cariboo Observer