NDP leader spreads the message in Vernon

NDP leader spreads the message in Vernon

John Horgan optimistic about the party’s chances in Tuesday’s election

John Horgan says he’s optimistic about the NDP’s chance in the North Okanagan and across the province.

With the election Tuesday, the party leader stopped in Vernon-Monashee Saturday to meet with party faithful.

“We can do much better than this,” he told a crowd of about 100 at candidate Barry Dorval’s campaign office.

“The government should be lifting people up, not holding them down.”

And while he is urging New Democrats to show up at the polls Tuesday, he is sending a message to long-time Liberals who are dissatisfied with the direction of that party under Christy Clark.

“I invite them to join us so we can fix the mess in health care and education,” said Horgan, adding that he has met a 25-year Liberal supporter in Parksville who is backing the NDP while some former Liberal officials are also endorsing his efforts.

Horgan is also reaching out to undecided voters.

“We’re building hope for people across B.C. Our candidates are diverse. We have people that reflect the diversity of this great province,” he said, adding that rank-and-file citizens have not been a priority for the Liberals.

“People are tired of a government that only focuses on the people who write the cheques.”

Dorval says Vernon-Monashee voters are telling him they want a change in political representation.

“It’s been an amazing and brilliant experience for me,” he said, adding that the Liberals’ record on employment is poor.

“There may be jobs happening at the coast but the jobs are not happening in our community,” said Dorval.

Vernon Morning Star