North Island MLA Michele Babcuk. Photo contributed

NDP MLA Michele Babchuk announces support for local not-for-profit organizations

The Community Gaming Grants Program distributes $140 million worth of grants annually

  • May. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Michele Babchuk, MLA for the North Island, says the New Democrat’s continued support for local not-for-profit organizations will help deliver important social services to people and families during the pandemic.

“Local not-for-profits have been even more important over the past year as we’ve all navigated this pandemic together. From career counselling and mental health supports to recreation for youth and seniors, our communities are so much richer for their work. I’m excited to see this funding going their way so they can help us all build back better.”

This nearly $900,000 for 51 service delivery partners across the North Island is part of nearly $61 million being distributed to over 1,400 human and social services sector organizations across British Columbia. Services include seniors’ activities, childcare, support for people with disabilities and health education. The grants help people access critical services, that have seen a spike in demand since the pandemic, including food banks, shelters, mental health and addictions counselling, and services for women’s transition.

Some of the organizations receiving funding in the North Island include the Cortes Community Health Association, the North Island Early Child Development Society, the Campbell River Family Services Society, and the Sointula Resource Centre Society.

The Community Gaming Grants Program distributes $140 million worth of grants annually to not-for-profit organizations across British Columbia that improve and enrich the lives of people and communities. These include sports, arts, environmental, quality of life, and health and safety organizations.

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