Three men helped a woman and her dog escape a house fire on Paynter Road in West Kelowna Monday morning. The cause of the blaze is still under investigation.

Three men helped a woman and her dog escape a house fire on Paynter Road in West Kelowna Monday morning. The cause of the blaze is still under investigation.

Neighbours save woman, dog from house fire

Nicole Hamelin is offering her thanks to a few men responsible for saving her mother from a house fire on Paynter Road Monday morning.

Nicole Hamelin is offering her thanks to a few men responsible for saving her mother from a house fire on Paynter Road Monday morning.

Hamelin’s mother was sleeping in her bedroom when three men began knocking on her window.

“A (few) guys actually knocked on her window, saying, ‘Your house is on fire, you need to get out of the house,'” said Hamelin.

The men proceeded to help her and her dog escape through the bedroom window at the back of the house.

“She’s OK—no injuries, which is good,” said Hamelin.

“My dad was at work at the time…so it’s kind of better now that he’s here, but they’re both definitely in shock.”

Hamelin said her parents also have a pet cat that managed to escape on its own.

Lionel Bateman, captain with West Kelowna Fire Rescue, said the two-storey wood frame constructed home was fully involved when firefighters arrived just before 9 a.m.

“Crews hit it pretty fast and pretty hard. We were able to knock it down quick,” said Bateman, who added everyone was out of the house by the time crews arrived.

“The roof and attic space is damaged pretty good. The inside is mostly smoke and water (damaged).”

The total West Kelowna Fire Rescue response included two engines and six firefighters.

Bateman said the cause of the fire is still under investigation.

From the photos Hamelin has seen, she said it appears as though flames may have been coming from the kitchen area at the northeast side of the house.

Twitter: @PatersonWade



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