Nelson air cadets held their annual review ceremony over Zoom this year. Photo: Submitted

Nelson air cadets complete virtual ceremonial review

The event concluded the 2020-21 season

  • Jun. 29, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Submitted by 561 Nelson Osprey Squadron

On the evening of May 29, the cadets of 561 Nelson Osprey Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets had a virtual annual ceremonial review. This was one of the last activities for the cadets in the 2020-21 training year, which was mostly done virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Reviewing Officer for the evening was Major Keith Stewart, the Officer Commanding of Pacific Region Cadet Support Unit Air Operations in Comox.

The emcee for the evening was Corporal Hope Ward, a second-year cadet with the squadron who also competed in this year’s Effective Speaking competition.

During the event, the cadets did two presentations. One was the history of Nelson Airport and one showcased the virtual visitors that the squadron had over the last year. These visitors included Nelson Fire Chief Len MacCharles, Major Regan Wicket the Deputy Commanding Officer of the Canadian Armed Force Snowbirds Air Demonstration Squadron, local author Kate Armstrong and Major (ret) Jameel Janjua, an astronaut in training with Virgin Galactic.

Several Award were presented to cadets:

• First-Year Best Attendance: Leading Air Cadet Nathan Hoy

• Second-Year Best Attendance: Corporal Hope Ward

• Third-Year Best Attendance: Leading Air Cadet Christian Faragher

• Fourth-Year Best Attendance: Sergeant Natt MacIntosh

• Best Attendance Overall: Sergeant Liam Egan

• Lt. Sinclair Award for Most Promising Cadet: “Rookie of the Year”: Leading Air Cadet Nathan Hoy

• Nelson Kinsmen Most Improved Male Trophy: Sergeant Justice Ward

• Salmo Legion Most Improved Female Trophy: Leading Air Cadet Elle Faragher

• Top Female Cadet Award-Columbia Basin Trust: Corporal Hope Ward

• Top Male Cadet Award-RDCK: Sergeant Liam Egan

• Top First-Year Cadets: Leading Air Cadets Erik White and Nathan Hoy

The entire review is available on the squadron’s Facebook page at

Nelson Air Cadets will start their 2021-2022 training on Friday, Sept. 10. More information can be found on the squadrons Facebook page at

The squadron always welcomes new cadets who are between the ages of 12 and 18. You can start your application at

Adults who would like to volunteer with squadron are also welcome.

Nelson Star