Nelson Legion president Bill Andreaschuk (left) met with Kootenay-Columbia MP Rob Morrison to receive $10,000 in federal assistance. Photo: Submitted

Nelson Legion receives $10,000 in federal COVID-19 assistance

The funds will help the Legion pay its bills during the pandemic

Nelson’s Legion has received $10,000 from the federal government for COVID-19 relief.

The Veterans Organizations Emergency Support Fund was announced in November with the goal of providing $20 million in relief support to veterans organizations during the pandemic.

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 51 president Bill Andreashuk was presented with the funding from Kootenay-Columbia MP Rob Morrison on Jan. 8.

Andreaschuk said the money will be used for general maintenance and bills at its Victoria Street location.

“It was a great move by the federal government to do this for us to ensure that the Legions are keeping their heads above water, because there’s so many of them out there that are in really serious financial trouble right now,” said Andreaschuk.

The fund is also being spent elsewhere in Canada on providing veterans with food, accommodations, and personal financial relief.

RELATED: VIDEO: Legion, other veterans groups to get $20M to weather COVID-19

Nelson Star