Nelson planner comes out of retirement

As the City of Nelson’s development services department continues to undergo personnel changes, a retired planner is coming back to work.

Retired city planner Dave Wahn (left) is seen with his successor Allen Fillion, who has since taken a job in West Kelowna.

Retired city planner Dave Wahn (left) is seen with his successor Allen Fillion, who has since taken a job in West Kelowna.

As the City of Nelson’s development services department continues to undergo personnel changes, a retired senior planner is temporarily coming back to work.

Dave Wahn has been hired as a casual employee to fill the role of approving officer, a statutory requirement of the Land Title Act.

The city recently named Pam Mierau, a planning manager with the City of Calgary, as its new manager of development services. However, staff say she needs time to become familiar with BC statutes and Nelson’s operations before assuming approving officer duties.

The city’s new development services and engineering department was created May 1. Wahn retired soon after and his replacement, Allen Fillion, has since taken a position in West Kelowna.

Former Rossland planner Mike Maturo was filling in on a short-term contract, but has since left as well.

Nelson Star