Nelson pot smokers try to share with off duty officer

Nelson pot smokers try to share with off duty officer

The group of young men were searched and their drugs seized.

A group of young men smoking pot in the 300 block of Victoria Street may have thought they were being generous when they offered a toke to a passerby, on Sunday at 11:30 p.m.

Unfortunately for them, that passerby was an off duty Nelson Police officer, who who alerted his on-duty colleagues of their activity. Police attended the scene and seized a small amount of marijuana from the men.

Charges are being contemplated.


Post-Shambhala come down

Police responded to a report of a man hiding under a truck, screaming and yelling near Falls and Baker Street, Tuesday at 9:45 a.m.

Friends of the 20-something-year-old said he’d spend the weekend at Shambhala Music Festival, smoking marijuana and not eating of drinking.

Police coaxed the man out from under the truck, but he would not communicate with them. Emergency Health Services was called and the man was transported to Kootenay Lake Hospital.

Since Shambhala ended on Monday, officers have also been busy removing unwanted campers from parks and other locations they’ve tried to sleep overnight.


Officer injured during arrest

A Nelson police officer received minor injuries while trying to arrest a Rosemont man involved in an alleged domestic dispute.

On Saturday at 8:15 p.m. police were called to the man’s home. When they told him he was under arrest, then man attacked the officers. He was eventually subdued and handcuffed.

The man will face charges of domestic assault, mischief to property and assaulting a police officer. He’ll be in Nelson Court on October 2.

Nelson Star