
New benches at Lakes District Secondary School

According to Mike Skinner, Superintendent for school District 91, the new benches at Lakes District Secondary School were part of an improvement project to the track and field. The project was led by several community members and the fundraising drive to pave the track for community started about two years ago. The upgrades are almost complete and a large sign will be going up soon with names of the donors and sponsors. The total budget was about $200,000. (Teaira Bishop photo/Lakes District News)

  • Aug. 18, 2021 12:00 a.m.

According to Mike Skinner, Superintendent for school District 91, the new benches at Lakes District Secondary School were part of an improvement project to the track and field. The project was led by several community members and the fundraising drive to pave the track for community started about two years ago. The upgrades are almost complete and a large sign will be going up soon with names of the donors and sponsors. The total budget was about $200,000. (Teaira Bishop photo/Lakes District News)

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