As leaves turn red along Main Street in Fruitvale, the village is heading into a change of administration. Lila Cresswell is retiring as Chief Administrative Officer after eight years of service. The village announced this week that Mike Maturo will replace her effective Dec. 1. (Guy Bertrand photo)

As leaves turn red along Main Street in Fruitvale, the village is heading into a change of administration. Lila Cresswell is retiring as Chief Administrative Officer after eight years of service. The village announced this week that Mike Maturo will replace her effective Dec. 1. (Guy Bertrand photo)

New CAO for Fruitvale

Incumbent CAO Lila Cresswell is retiring after eight years of service

Fruitvale has hired Mike Maturo as the village’s new CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) effective Dec. 1.

Maturo’s name may sound familiar, the Registered Professional Planner has been part of planning and administration in Rossland for a decade – in 2015 until March the following year, he was the city’s Interim Chief Administrative Officer.

For the past 10 years Maturo has worked as both a senior manager in British Columbia municipal government and as a private consultant, primarily focused on urban design, infrastructure, strategic planning and regulatory frameworks, the village stated in a Monday news release.

Prior to arriving to B.C., Maturo spent 10 years in the Balkans managing post-conflict reconstruction programs and implementing legislative reforms in Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina, respectively.

He holds a B.S. in Economics (Southern Connecticut State University, 1983) and a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from University of Colorado at Denver, 1995.

Maturo is a member of the Canadian Institute of Planners and lives in Rossland with his family.

Incumbent CAO Lila Cresswell is retiring after eight years of dedicated service.

Another local government body, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB), recently had its CAO leave the position after 12 years, but not due to retirement.

On Oct. 2, John MacLean took over the CAO role for the Cariboo Regional District (CRD). MacLean was a corporate officer for the Cariboo district before his job at the RDKB.

Mark Andison, the RDKB’s general manager of operations, is currently listed as the regional district’s Acting Chief Administrative Officer.

Trail Daily Times