The group that gathered for the first 50 Women $50 meeting last week. (Betsy Kline/Castlegar News)

The group that gathered for the first 50 Women $50 meeting last week. (Betsy Kline/Castlegar News)

New Castlegar women’s group focuses on supporting local charities

50 Women $50 will meet once a quarter to support area charities.

A new West Kootenay women’s group held its first meeting last week.

The principle of 50 Women $50 is that a group of committed, like-minded women will get together once a quarter, already committed to giving $50 to charity. By pooling their donations and giving it to a charity all at once, they can make more of an impact. Organizers hope the boost in funding will enable the selected charity to be able to plan future projects easier or take on a project or needed upgrade they hadn’t been able to afford.

The goal of the group is to have 50 women at each meeting, raising $2,500 each time.

About 25 women attended the inaugural meeting. At each meeting, several charities will be invited to present their work and then those attending vote on which charity will get their money. The recipient of the first round was the Castlegar Safe Home for Domestic Violence.

Participants also get to nominate recipient charities for the next meeting. Entries are drawn at random and three groups are invited to attend the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held in June, if you would like more information check out the group’s Facebook page — 50 Women $50 — or look in the Castlegar News community calendar section closer to the date.

Castlegar News