Megan Young with her daughter Alice in front of the tiny new public library in Vanderhoof. (Aman Parhar/Omineca Express)

Megan Young with her daughter Alice in front of the tiny new public library in Vanderhoof. (Aman Parhar/Omineca Express)

New community library aims to foster positive community feelings

Vanderhoof resident has set up a little library in front of her property at the end of Lebler Road.

  • Aug. 10, 2020 12:00 a.m.

There is a quaint new public library in the heart of Vanderhoof.

Megan Young, resident of the district and speech language pathologist with Carrier Sekani Family Services, has set up a little book stand for the public at the end of Lebler Road in Vanderhoof. The library is open to everyone and users can either leave books or pick one for themselves.

“Having positive connections to literature and to printed material is very important in our current literacy climate. It is very important in living a balanced life and making time for downtime,” Young said.

She got the idea of building a box for public book sharing from seeing them in other towns. Her sister Anika Wallace helped Young build it, and Judy Wigmore, a retired English teacher in the district helped fill it with books initially.

“I always thought it was neat to have insight into the minds of people who live here and then you get to read their books. I like the idea of just being able to grab something this close, then you can read it at your own leisure and it doesn’t matter what shape it is when you put it back,” Young said.

Books bring or give experiences new life and help people connect over shared stories, she added.

“I hope this library sparks an interest in both books, physical recreation as well as foster positive community feelings.”

Aman Parhar
Editor, Vanderhoof Omineca Express
aman.parhar@ominecaexpress.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Vanderhoof Omineca Express