New council has a busy first meeting

It was a full agenda when Clearwater's new town council met for the first time on Tuesday, Dec. 16

Members of Clearwater's new town council pose for a photograph during a council meeting held Tuesday, Dec. 16. Pictured are (back, l-r) Dennis Greffard, Merlin Blackwell, Barry Banford, Ken Kjenstad, (front, l-r) Shelley Sim, Mayor John Harwood, and Gord Heisterman.

Members of Clearwater's new town council pose for a photograph during a council meeting held Tuesday, Dec. 16. Pictured are (back, l-r) Dennis Greffard, Merlin Blackwell, Barry Banford, Ken Kjenstad, (front, l-r) Shelley Sim, Mayor John Harwood, and Gord Heisterman.

It was a full agenda when Clearwater’s new town council met for the first time on Tuesday, Dec. 16.

Possibly the most important item discussed, although not the most exciting, was a building permit bylaw.

The new bylaw regulates the construction, alteration, repair, moving or demolition of buildings and structures.

Chief administrative officer Leslie Groulx noted that there has been no increase in building permit fees for 18 years. The new rates will begin on Jan. 1.

Council also gave three readings to a bylaw to regulate its own meetings. The primary purpose of the bylaw was to legitimate changing town council meeting times from 7 p.m. to 2 p.m., and the committee of the whole meetings from 5 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Town council meetings and committee of the whole meetings will continue to be held the first and third Tuesdays of the month (except in summer).

The bylaw also confirmed the change of meeting place from the former District office building on the Flats to the new council chamber in Dutch Lake Community Center.



Clearwater Times