New council sworn in

The first of the month saw the inaugural meeting of council take place at the Community Forum.

  • Dec. 4, 2014 5:00 p.m.

Chris Stedile


Castlegar News


The first of the month saw the inaugural meeting of council take place at the Community Forum.

The mayor along with all six councilors gave their Oaths of Office and were sworn in by Judge Ronald Fabrro.

It was a full house at the forum Monday night as friends, family and residents all came to see the new council sworn in.

Ex-council member Gord Turner kicked off the ceremonies by leading the crowd in singing O’Canada.

As the anthem died down, Mayor Lawrence Chernoff and council expressed gratitude yet again to Turner for his many years of service to the city.

Beginning with the mayor and running through the councilors alphabetically, Judge Fabrro shook hands and accepted the signatures from those who will lead Castlegar for the next four years.

Following the council members, Deb McIntosh took to the podium again to be sworn in as Alternate Director for the Regional District of Central Kootenay.

After all oaths were taken, Judge Fabbro said a few parting words and took leave.

This marks the last time Judge Fabbro would be doing so, as he will be retiring before this term is up.

He has served the city well over the years and is grateful for everything the city has done.

“Whenever I’ve had a chance to give credit to this municipality I’ve always done so,” Fabbro said.

“Thank you, and good luck to you all.”

Mayor Chernoff and council then took their respective seats up front.

“I would like to start by thanking our previous council for its hard work and dedication to our community, which is second to none,” the Mayor began.

“Thank you for those who put their names forward in our recent election and a special thank you to city staff, for your vital service to our community.”

“I would also like to thank those who came out to vote this election.”

“To our new councilor Bruno Tassone. Congratulations and welcome. I am sure you will bring new energy and commitment to the city as we move forward in these challenging times.”

Mayor Chernoff continued, “For all of us this is the start of a new four year term. Although the city has come a long way over the past few terms I believe we have much more to accomplish to turn Castlegar into the best city in British Columbia.”

“By working together as a team I believe we can do that.”


Castlegar News