Left to right, the photo shows several of the fund’s founding donors: Don Holt, Daphne Hayden, Linda Holt, Nancy Dyck, and Al Dyck. Photo submitted.

Left to right, the photo shows several of the fund’s founding donors: Don Holt, Daphne Hayden, Linda Holt, Nancy Dyck, and Al Dyck. Photo submitted.

New Cranbrook Past and Present Teachers’ Legacy Fund to provide annual grants

Active and retired teachers recently gathered at the Cranbrook District Teachers' Association office to celebrate a new fund, which is permanently invested through the Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies (CFKR).

  • Oct. 31, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Active and retired teachers recently gathered at the Cranbrook District Teachers’ Association office to celebrate a new fund, which is permanently invested through the Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies (CFKR).

“The idea for this fund began a couple of years ago, when the teaching community in Cranbrook lost several retired and active members, within a few months of each other,” said Lynette Wray, the CFKR Executive Director.

“This prompted various conversations about creating a permanently-invested endowment fund, as an option for in-memoriam and in-honour donations, for Cranbrook’s teaching community,” Wray said. “Don and Linda Holt, both retired teachers, led the way, initiating an Opportunity Fund with the Community Foundation, in June of 2018.”

The teaching community responded whole-heartedly, with the fund receiving in-memoriam, in-honour, and general donations. In June of 2019, just one year after its inception, the fund reached $10,000, was permanently endowed, and began earning interest as of July 1, 2019.

A highlight of the recent celebration was the announcement of the latest donation to the fund: $500 from the 2018-2019 graduating class at Mount Baker Secondary School.

“We are so pleased to contribute to this legacy fund, which honours the significant contributions of teachers in our community,” said Viveka Johnson, the principal of Mount Baker Secondary School.

The interest from Cranbrook Past and Present Teachers’ Legacy Fund will provide a grant, every year, forever. The purpose of the annual grant is to support student success and wellness in Cranbrook’s public schools, as recommended by the Cranbrook Retired Teachers’ Association and the Cranbrook District Teachers’ Association, subject to approval by the CFKR Board.

The Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies invites community members to donate to this fund, in honour of active and retired teachers who continue to make such a positive impact in our community. As this fund grows, the annual grant will grow as well. Details on how to donate (e.g. online, cheque, e-transfer, cash, stocks/bonds) are available online.

Established in 2003 as a federally incorporated not-for-profit and a CRA-registered charity, the Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies (CFKR) is governed by a 13-member, volunteer Board of Directors and employs one staff person. CFKR holds a total of approximately $2.5 million in 37 permanently invested funds, which provide grants to local non-profits, every year, forever. Since its first community grants in 2004, the Community Foundation has shared almost $500,000 with local projects and programs in our communities.

To join the Community Foundation of the Kootenay Rockies in building this permanent “community nest egg”, please visit www.CFKRockies.ca, like/follow/share their Facebook page, and contact Lynnette Wray, Executive Director, by phone (250-426-1119) or email.

Cranbrook Townsman