Tracy Satin, the Greater Vernon Museum’s new curator, is excited about promoting the region’s history.

Tracy Satin, the Greater Vernon Museum’s new curator, is excited about promoting the region’s history.

New curator embraces Greater Vernon’s heritage

Tracy Satin wants residents to help shape the future of the Greater Vernon Museum.

Tracy Satin wants residents to help shape the future of the Greater Vernon Museum.

Satin started Monday as the museum’s new curator and she believes it’s important for the community to take ownership in the facility.

“I want to hear what people want out of their museum,” she said.

And Satin believes that relationship is vital as the community considers whether a new museum should be constructed.

“The collections in here are so beautiful and there are so many stories to tell and we can’t do it in this space,” she said of ongoing challenges with limited room for exhibits, programs and storage.

“It’s important for all stakeholders to come in and see this for themselves.”

The Montreal-born Satin has lived across North America and Europe and specializes in archeology and conservation.

Most recently, she has been at the Kelowna Museum and the Westbank First Nation Museum, and she is excited about the opportunities the Greater Vernon Museum provides.

“I’m coming into a really solid team and everyone being experts in their field makes it easy for me,” said Satin.

She takes over from Ron Candy, who stepped aside after almost 24 years as curator, and Ken Mather, who has been interim curator.

“Those are big shoes to fill and I have to follow those standards. That’s the most intimidating part,” she said.

No immediate major changes are anticipated, but Satin would like to see the museum reflect the Okanagan Nation more.

“The origin stories of the community are important and those things have been missing in museums,” she said.

“You may have artifacts, but you don’t connect in an intimate way with the First Nations.”

As she settles in, Satin is encouraging residents to drop in and discover the importance of the local museum.

“Everything in here is connected to the community. Your great-grandfather or uncle used this. It’s the stories of the community,” she said.





Vernon Morning Star