New faces for Coal Miner Days

The Coal Miner Days Society is excited to introduce new chair Marcia Johnson and new organizer Glenda Newsted.

  • Jan. 26, 2014 5:00 p.m.

Although Coal Miner Days is still months away, the plans for this year’s festivities are already well under way and a couple of new faces are joining the organizing efforts. With their Annual General Meeting coming up on February 5, the Coal Miner Days Society is excited to introduce new chair Marcia Johnson and new organizer Glenda Newsted.

With past organizer Renee McCormick stepping down to focus on her work as a full time teacher, Johnson is happy to be more actively involved in Sparwood’s annual community celebration.

“Since we moved here [six years ago], my family and I have been involved behind the scenes of Coal Miner Days. From helping my son coordinate the parade to working behind the bar at all of the fundraising events, we have worked hard to be a contribution to our community,” said Johnson. “Not wanting to see all of [Renee’s] hard work fade away, I decided to step up and help hire an official coordinator. I agreed to be chair of the board, to contribute my experience, and to help guide the organization into creating another amazing community celebration.”

Johnson is looking forward to working with Newsted to put together another great Coal Miner Days for Sparwood.

“[Glenda] will be a great asset to our events as she has an amazing background in event planning. Even though she has lived in the valley less than a year, she is a wonderful asset to our community. Sparwood and the Coal Miner Days Society are very fortunate to have her.”

Coal Miner Days 2014 is happening on June 6, 7, and 8. Even though changes have been made to the organizing team, Johnson said they will be keeping all of the events the community has grown to love over the years.

“This year, we are looking forward to many more great events,” explained Johnson. “We are bringing back the 5 km and 8 km races and adding a 10 km run as well. We are having a main stage this year with local entertainers playing as a kick-start to the fireworks. With the pancake breakfast, barbecues, markets, kid and teen activities, crib tournament, baseball tournament, volleyball games, bike rodeo, and parade, just to name a few of the weekend’s activities, this year’s festivities are shaping up to be another amazing time to celebrate our community of Sparwood.”

She added, “Tug of war was a great event that was added last year. We plan to keep it again this year as well as adding a business challenge and maybe a little mud to make things more fun for everyone.”

While Johnson and Newsted will be spearheading the organization of the event, Johnson said it is important to remember that they receive plenty of help from the community as well.

“Without our collection of wonderful volunteers these events would not be possible. We have people who have stepped up to run events,” she commented. “It seems like everyone has great advice, however we also need people to take that advice into fruition!”

The Coal Miner Days Annual General Meeting is Wednesday, February 5, 7 pm, at the Sparwood Chamber of Commerce. Anyone with suggestions for this year’s event or who would like to volunteer is welcome to attend. Suggestions can also be emailed to or posted on the Coal Miner Days Facebook page.



The Free Press