New farmers institute constitution gets members’ approval

The original UCFI constitution dated back to the 1930s, from around the time when the hall was built

Upper Clearwater Farmers Institute, which owns and operates the Upper Clearwater Hall, has approved a new constitution and bylaws.

Upper Clearwater Farmers Institute, which owns and operates the Upper Clearwater Hall, has approved a new constitution and bylaws.

A meeting held Thursday evening, Oct. 15, to approve a new constitution and bylaws for Upper Clearwater Farmers Institute seems to have gone well, according to UCFI president Andrew Nelson.

“The members did vote in favour of the new constitution and bylaws but we have to wait for the approval of the superintendent of farmers institutes before the process is final,” he said.

Nelson added that he expected to hear back from the superintendent in two or three weeks.

According to previous reports in the Times, the original UCFI constitution dated back to the 1930s, from around the time when the hall was built.

A new set of bylaws replaced the original constitution in 1984.

That new set of bylaws was felt not to be adequate and a new constitution and bylaws, based on those of a farmers institute near Victoria, were brought before the members last May.

After review by the superintendent of farmers institutes, some changes were identified.

The revised constitution and bylaws with the suggested changes were brought before the membership during the Oct. 15 meeting.


Clearwater Times