New Langley middle school to cost $1.1 million more

Construction on Willoughby middle school is on schedule

It turns out it will cost more to build a middle school than Langley School District budgeted for.

At the Jan. 29 Board of Education meeting, staff asked trustees to amend the capital project from specifying a total maximum allocation of $24 million to $25 million.

“When we opened tenders for building a middle school, all of the estimates were over the budgeted amount,” said secretary-treasurer David Green. “We had to increase the budget by $1.162 million.”

The Ministry of Education approved the additional allocation, said Green.

The board unanimously agreed to the cost of building the new school, located on 84 Avenue, at $25,435,136.

According to the district, the building of the school is on schedule. Construction is well underway.

Langley Times