Mayor Leo Facio ended the inaugural Harrison Hot Springs council meeting with the singing of God Save the Queen, alongside Adam Briscoe.

Mayor Leo Facio ended the inaugural Harrison Hot Springs council meeting with the singing of God Save the Queen, alongside Adam Briscoe.

New mayor looking forward to challenges

Facio begins sixth term on council with a song for the Queen

  • Dec. 13, 2011 11:00 a.m.

The inauguration for the new Harrison Hot Springs mayor and council was a short but sweet ceremony, with the new mayor being invited to sing at the end.

Mayor Leo Facio, known for his love of singing, was asked by Corporate Officer Debra Key to close the program on Monday night by singing God Save the Queen.

He sang alongside local singer/songwriter Adam Briscoe, who opened the ceremony with O’ Canada.

The swearing-in ceremony was led by Judge B. Hoy, and allowed Facio and his council to take their oaths. The new council is Allan Jackson, Zoltan Kiss, Sonja Reyerse-Peters and Richard Shelley. Jackson is the only member of council to remain from the previous administration, after the November 19.

In a speech to the crowd that gathered at Memorial Hall, Facio said he has met with the new council members to discuss the next three years.

“I find them sincere and ready to serve this community and work together as a council,” he said.

“We are also fortunate to have Allan Jackson, who brings six years experience on council (to the table).

“Before this month is over, I’ll be planning some strategies on how to move forth,” he said, and council members will all take in a three-day workshop organized by the UBCM.

“Committees have been struck and are to be announced at the next council meeting,” he said.

“These are tough economic times, but if we all work together we can take the challenges as they come.”

This will be Facio’s sixth term on council, taking over from former Mayor Ken Becotte.

See related story:

New mayor sworn in at Kent inaugural council meeting


Agassiz Observer