New Moon building’s fate still in question

The future of the former New Moon restaurant building is being placed into the hands of insurance companies

The future of the former New Moon restaurant building is being placed into the hands of insurance companies following a massive fire that gutted the interior.

“It was an old building but wasn’t a designated heritage building,” said Jean Eiers-Page from the city’s archives.

Meaning the structure is not protected and could be torn down.

Prince Rupert fire chief Dave McKenzie said for the interim the building will remain boarded up for security purposes.

“But we can’t leave it boarded up forever. They can either tear it down or rebuild it,” he said.

Over the next few days firefighters will continue to monitor the site conducting spot checks to ensure nothing re-ignites.

“There’s always a possibility of flare-ups on large fires like this but we don’t need people on site [all the time]. We do need to monitor it though,” McKenzie said, adding the fire department will be working with the insurance company(s) on what will be the next action.

“But it takes time. Since there could be more than one insurance company it could take a month, it could take two or three or more.”


The Northern View