A firefighter ensures the back deck fire is out. (Neil Corbett/THE NEWS)

A firefighter ensures the back deck fire is out. (Neil Corbett/THE NEWS)

New neighbour helps put out house fire in Maple Ridge

Helps wheel out man in wheelchair, then grabs a garden hose

A fast-acting neighbour kept a house fire in Maple Ridge under control on Wednesday afternoon.

Just before noon, Jordan D’alessandro noticed the black smoke from his neighbour’s house on 126th Avenue

The homeowner at the residence that was on fire waved for him, as she needed help in getting a man in a wheelchair out of the house.

“I wheeled him out from the basement, went around back and saw that the deck was on fire,” he said.

“I just grabbed a hose and started hitting it with the water,” he said. “There was another gentleman inside using buckets, pails of water, dousing the flames with that. So it was out in less than five minutes.”

He said there was noxious smoke from burning plastic deck chairs, but otherwise no danger. The damage appeared to be limited to the back deck

“I’m glad he’s okay,” said D’alessandro.

Maple Ridge firefighters responded, ensuring the fire was out. They said there was no obvious cause of the fire.

D’alessandro just moved to Maple Ridge from Port Coquitlam, just taking possession of his home on the day of the fire.

Maple Ridge News