Left to right: Rick McChesney and Lisa Letnes from the North Coast Health Improvement Society (NCHIS), neurologist Alister Prout, Don Cross from NCHIS, Manager of Medical Imaging and Neuro-diagnostics Lotretta Robinson and NCHIS members Angela Grodecki and Kim Nicholls.

Left to right: Rick McChesney and Lisa Letnes from the North Coast Health Improvement Society (NCHIS), neurologist Alister Prout, Don Cross from NCHIS, Manager of Medical Imaging and Neuro-diagnostics Lotretta Robinson and NCHIS members Angela Grodecki and Kim Nicholls.

New neurological tester purchased for Prince Rupert Regional Hospital

Diagnosing neurological issues at Prince Rupert's Hospital will be easier thanks to the North Coast Health Improvement Society.

Diagnosing neurological issues at the Prince Rupert Regional Hospital will be a easier going forward thanks to a donation from the North Coast Health Improvement Society.

“This new equipment conducts nerve tests, diagnoses carpel tunnel syndrome, locates pinched nerves in the neck and back by testing the nerves to see where it may be pinched and differentiates a pinched nerve from tendonitis,” explained neurologist Dr. Alister Prout, adding that the old machine was so old new parts could no longer be located.

The new machine, which is a laptop and testing equipment, cost $16,000. Money for the machine came from the North Coast Health Improvement Society, a volunteer group dedicated to raising money for new medical equipment at the Prince Rupert Regional Hospital.

The Northern View