A race organizer has been found for 27th annual Duncan Terry Fox run. (Citizen file)

A race organizer has been found for 27th annual Duncan Terry Fox run. (Citizen file)

New organizer steps up for Duncan Terry Fox run

After a public plea by Terry Fox Foundation staffers, Todd Frykas has stepped up as Duncan's 2017 run coordinator.

After a public plea by Terry Fox Foundation staffers, Todd Frykas has stepped up as Duncan’s 2017 run coordinator.

The 27th annual cancer fundraising run almost didn’t happen this year as there wasn’t anyone to organize it.

Enter Frykas.

“It’s going to happen this year so I’m pretty excited,” he said.

“Cancer has touched my life unfortunately a few times in my family,” Frykas added. “There’s the exhibition at the Victoria museum this year commemorating [Fox’s] run and we went to see that and it just kind of opened up a bunch of memories and when I saw the article in the paper, I thought, ‘wow’. I’m not a real organizer but I just thought it would be a shame if the run didn’t happen this year, especially on the 150th anniversary of Canada.”

A member of the Duncan Kinsman, he has enlisted the help of members, who were more than happy to lend a hand.

“It was more personal initially and then when I reached out to the club, they were gung-ho to get back on board,” Frykas explained.

As has become somewhat of a tradition, the run will take place at the B.C. Forest Discovery Centre, this time on Sunday, Sept. 17.

“We would like to have participants come as early as 9 a.m. to register and take part in some of the pre-event food and festivities prior to the start time scheduled for 10 a.m.,” Frykas said. Folks are welcome to stay at the FDC after the event concludes as well as FDC manager Chris Gale is offering free admission and train rides all day [for participants]. There’ll be a fish pond, face painting, live music and more for families to enjoy.

“With Canada celebrating its 150th birthday this is a great event to share and teach your kids about one of the most humble and awe inspiring Canadians of our generation,” Frykas said.

In terms of the run itself, there’ll be three distances to choose from: a one-kilometer Fox Trot and a three-kilometre course — both set up on the FDC grounds — as well as a six-kilometre route that’ll take runners and walkers onto the surrounding streets, including along Bell-McKinnon Road.

The CeeVacs Roadrunners Club will be on hand to marshal the road route.

Cowichan Valley Citizen