Valley Home Check provides peace of mind and insurance validation for homeowners who are away from their homes (Pixabay photo)

New owner for Valley Home Check

The company provides peace of mind and insurance validation for those who are away from their homes

  • Sep. 3, 2021 12:00 a.m.

It is smiles all around as new adventures begin for all concerned following the sale of Valley Home Check, effective Sept.1.

The company, founded and operated by Julie and Richard Watkins when they emigrated to the Comox Valley in 2007, provides peace of mind and insurance validation for homeowners who are away from their homes, for whatever reason.

The new owner, Robert McLennan, is looking forward to taking over the busy company.

His first priority as the new owner/operator of Valley Home Check is to maintain the exceptional service and customer relations that Julie and Richard have spent 14 years establishing with homeowners in the Comox Valley and surrounding areas.

McLennan welcomes existing customers and encourages new customers to visit the Valley Home Check website to arrange for an in-person interview to discuss a personalized service package in anticipation of the easing of travel restrictions to the United States and travel within Canada and international destinations.

Julie is looking forward to new adventures in retirement while Richard will continue to measure and draw floor plans for realtors and renovators.

They express their thanks to all current and past clients who have supported Valley Home Check over the many years.

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