New plaque for a 100 Mile House legend

BJ Donuts & Eatery hangs new Jimmy Keller memorial plaque

Family, friends and longtime associates attended the unveiling of the new Jimmy Keller memorial plaque on the front of BJ’s Donuts and Eatery on July 5.

The plaque, commissioned by the 100 Mile House Mural Society (100MHMS), has a photo of Keller along with several stories about his amazing life.

Keller rode into 100 Mile House on his Harley Davidson motorcycle in 1953 and the town was never the same.

A man of many talents, Keller was well known throughout the town for his skills with a pistol or throwing knives and even riding a unicycle.

Keller passed away on July 25, 2015.

The decision to put the memorial plaque on the front of BJ’s Donuts and Eatery came from the fact the restaurant was a second home for Keller.

It’s our pleasure,” says co-owner Alan Riley.

He spent the last 15 years here in his spot right beside the front door. He didn’t usually eat any donuts, but always came in the morning and afternoon for coffee.”

100MHMS vice-president Donna Nivison thanked everyone who came out to the unveiling and to those who donated towards the memorial plaque project.

Keller’s daughter, Tracy Walker, had the honour of unveiling the plaque.

It’s great that this was made possible,” says Walker.

I’m happy we get to honour my dad’s memory.”

Also in attendance was Keller’s partner Quille Farnham, and grandson, Brandon Paterson.

This whole thing is wonderful,” says Farnham.

I knew Jimmy for 50 years. This is a great honour. He helped out with this community for years. He deserved to be recognized in someway.”

Farnham adds Keller’s character was definitely one of a kind.

He should have been born 100 years ago. He was a real cowboy.”

After the unveiling, his friends and family were asked to tell stories about Keller.

Longtime friend Ken Meville told a story about assisting Keller at 100 Mile House’s first ever high school rodeo.

He told me to light a cigarette and put it to my lips. He backed up and told me to turn to the right. “Then he shot it off my mouth with a pistol!

I was amazed more than anything. He asked me to light up another one and for some reason I did and then he used his bull whip on it. What a guy!”

100 Mile House Free Press