New playground equipment was installed at Parkview Elementary School in Sicamous on Aug. 24, 2021. (Facebook/Parkview Elementary School)

New playground equipment installed at Parkview Elementary School in Sicamous

Fundraising from Parent Advisory Council ensured equipment install before beginning of school year

  • Aug. 26, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Parkview Elementary School’s Parent Advisory Council (PAC) wasn’t playing around when it came to getting a new playground for the Sicamous school.

The PAC wanted to ensure new playground equipment was installed before the beginning of the 2021-22 school year.

The new equipment, which was installed Aug. 24, represents around three years of fundraising. The PAC’s bottle drive that began in April provided the last bit of funding needed to install it.

Parkview’s principal, Carla Schneider, wanted to thank the Sicamous Ace Hardware for storing the playground equipment since June while the PAC raised funds for installation.

On Aug. 24, the company transported the equipment by forklift to the school. The storage and transport was done at no charge.

Schneider also thanked the PAC’s president, Siobhan Rich, for her dedication to getting the playground installed.

Parkview students were surveyed on what they wanted their new playground to look like, and almost unanimously, students wanted a design with a slide.

Parkview PAC shortlisted three playground designs, then students were able to vote for which design they wanted, said Schneider.

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