New principal in Boston Bar

Theresa Dantuma takes over position left by Jason Cobey

Theresa Dantuma is the new principal at Boston Bar Elementary-Secondary School.

Theresa Dantuma is the new principal at Boston Bar Elementary-Secondary School.

Boston Bar Elementary-Secondary School has a new face this year.

After 32 years in Hudson’s Hope, Theresa Dantuma decided to make a move and take over Jason Cobey’s position as principal in the Fraser Canyon.

“I am hoping that working with the existing team of my new colleagues at Boston Bar Elementary- Secondary School, together we can create opportunities for student success,” she said.

“Student success – emotional, social, physical and academic that builds a strong foundation for lifelong learning – is the reason I have chosen to be an educator.”

Dantuma spent the last year as acting principal of Hudson’s Hope Elementary-Secondary School, where she had been teaching on and off since receiving her bachelor of education. She admits working in administration was never top of mind.

“The decision to take on the role of acting principal stemmed from the tremendous amount of encouragement and support I was receiving from both the school and community,” said Dantuma.

“Turns out even with the challenges of job action last year and being new to the position, I wanted a try it again. Saying goodbye to Hudson’s Hope was a very emotional experience for me.

“I knew if I wanted to see if administration was really a good fit for me, I needed to seek it out elsewhere and Boston Bar looked like it might be just that fit.”

Hudson’s Hope Elementary-Secondary School has a history much like Boston Bar. Originally two schools, the elementary and secondary schools amalgamated due to declining enrolment.

Dantuma began her teaching career with a secondary specialization in home economics, later branching into junior math, business education and art. After her third child was born, she decided to go back to school for a post baccalaureate in primary education and started teaching kindergarten.

“In a K-12 school, it is imperative that staff be multi-talented and flexible in order for the school to be successful,” she said.

Over time, Dantuma covered prep time for elementary colleagues and started teaching various subjects in Grades 1- 7. She eventually took on career and personal counseling for secondary students, supervised students on correspondence, oversaw the graduation program, created school-wide timetables, all the while working closely with administration in school planning.

In 2010/2011, Dantuma was granted a sabbatical to travel and volunteer abroad. She taught ESL at a community centre in Rabat, Morocco to students aged 10 to 60. She also volunteered at an SOS Children’s Village in Honduras, creating and developing educational programs for the children there.

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